Saturday, June 1, 2013

      I'm correct. Both evident in that I have so much of value (superficially only to myself, but trust when I say it's large scale) to say in such a short squish of time and that it's all SO. ON. POINT.

      SO. I'm just thinking about the fact that my little collection of people I've always kept around for reasons known or just shades thereof (and I clearly need to be careful here, artistically, because if I don't pay attention I could slip back into the muddled crypticism of my old work. Evident in "shades thereof" alone.) have been artists in the truest sense of the word and got really fucking lost somewhere in there. My streets are fucking littered with these sweet, fragile, broken bodies and I get it now and I can see it and I want to fix it like I always did but now I know how to do it.

      Manipulation in the right way. Mastery, rather.

      I have a core team, for my own artistic growth that needs to happen and projects that are/have been waylaid until now, but I simultaneously want to take the experiences from that little clan and apply them to the normals now. Not as actively as when I find more exceptionals, whom I will actively work to fix for their, my, and ultimately everyone's own good. So "give" would be a better term for the normals. I want to give or leave them the same tools I've learned, but not so passively that they'll go unused. Because without very specific prompting they would.

Point is, I very clearly am doing something right and I need to keep doing it or this could ALL, and I do mean all, go to waste.

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