Saturday, July 28, 2012

  So, hi. I don't really know what I want this to be yet, but I'm banking on the thought that it'll help me in some form.

   I tried going to therapy for about two seconds and it felt icky. I felt like a self indulgent white girl with first world problems who needs to shut the fuck up and learn to carry this mess quietly. And don't get me wrong, I totally am, but at the same time it's the whole "no problem seems small to the person who has it" thing. Being aware of that there's countless others worse off than me or that there is war and famine doesn't change the fact that this depression is killing me. And it also doesn't change the fact that it keeps me in bed staring blankly at the wall all day instead of on the streets in a cool cape putting puppy killers and Humvee buyers behind bars where they belong.

   SO. I wanted to invite you, Blank Internet Void, to listen as I toss my words at you and the endless questionable ether you constitute. There's gonna be a lot of senseless ranting, pretentious prose (as well as snappy alliteration apparently), and me crying in a heap in the proverbial and often literal corner, but I think I need something to focus my unadultered hate-beam of woe at so as to prevent the very real possibility of taking a lit match to my hometown and/or living out all my murder/suicide rampage dreams in broad daylight where people can see/die. (Also there's probably gonna be a lot of clever forward slash combos and/or parenthetical asides. That one wasn't clever, just practical. MULTIPURPOSE SLASHY THINGS, YAY.)


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